Mahzooz Tickets Price & Weekly Draw Prizes and Win Big.

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Mahzooz Tickets Price & Weekly Draw
Mahzooz Tickets Price & Weekly Draw

Mahzooz Tickets Price & Weekly Draw Prizes and Win Big.

Mahzooz Tickets Price & Weekly Draw Prizes: By engaging in Mahzooz Saturday Millions for AED 35, you have the opportunity to become a part of the prestigious Mahzooz Millionaires Club.

Explore our enticing prizes and find out the steps to claim them right here. Merely five winning numbers have the potential to transform your life!

Mahzooz Tickets Price & Weekly Draw Prizes

Mahzooz Tickets Price is AED 35 & You can buy a maximum of 20 Tickets for one draw.

Mahzooz Tickets Price

Achieve a match of 5 out of 5 numbers, regardless of their order, for an opportunity to seize AED 20,000,000 and claim the title of our next millionaire!

Even with a match of 4 out of 5 numbers or 3 out of 5 numbers, you stand a chance to divide a prize pool of AED 150,000 among other winners in the respective categories.

Mahzooz Tickets Price

Furthermore, there’s the potential to win AED 35 by matching 2 out of 5 numbers and AED 5 by matching 1 out of 5 numbers.

They’re distributing a confirmed total of AED 300,000 among three winners in the Triple 100 Raffle! Each winner will receive AED 100,000.

You can buy tickets online on the official website of mahzooz:

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7 thoughts on “Mahzooz Tickets Price & Weekly Draw Prizes and Win Big.”

  1. ආයුබෝවන් 🙏🙏🙏 Mahzooz ඔබට. ඇත්තටම Mahzooz කියන්නේ. මිනිස්සුන්ගේ හීන සැබෑවෙන ක්‍රීඩාවක්. මගේ පාට කළු පාට. ඔබට ගොඩාක් ස්තුතියි Mahzooz 🙏🙏🙏

  2. ආයුබෝවන් 🙏🙏🙏 Mahzooz ඔබට. ඇත්තටම Mahzooz කියන්නේ. මිනිස්සුන්ගේ හීන සැබෑවෙන ක්‍රීඩාවක්. මගේ පාට කළු පාට. ඔබට ගොඩක් ස්තුතියි Mahzooz. 🙏🙏🙏


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